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Clean up VDP background code.

Ben Kurtovic 8 år sedan
3 ändrade filer med 88 tillägg och 41 borttagningar
  1. +1
  2. +2
  3. +85

+ 1
- 2
src/gamegear.c Visa fil

@@ -154,8 +154,7 @@ static bool simulate_frame(GameGear *gg)

The GameGear must start out in an unpowered state; it will be powered only
during the simulation. This function blocks until the simulation ends,
either by an exception occurring or someone setting the GameGear's
'powered' flag to false.
either by an exception occurring or someone calling gamegear_power_off().

If a callback has been set with gamegear_set_callback(), then we'll trigger
it after every frame has been simulated (sixty times per second).

+ 2
- 2
src/gamegear.h Visa fil

@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
#include "rom.h"
#include "z80.h"

#define GG_SCREEN_WIDTH (160 + 96)
#define GG_SCREEN_HEIGHT (144 + 48)
#define GG_SCREEN_WIDTH 160
#define GG_SCREEN_HEIGHT 144

#define GG_FPS 60
#define GG_EXC_BUFF_SIZE 128

+ 85
- 37
src/vdp.c Visa fil

@@ -98,15 +98,67 @@ static uint16_t get_sgt_base(const VDP *vdp)

Return the CRAM address of the backdrop color.
Return the backdrop color as a CRAM index.
static uint8_t get_backdrop_addr(const VDP *vdp)
static uint8_t get_backdrop_color(const VDP *vdp)
return ((vdp->regs[0x07] & 0x0F) << 1) + 0x20;

TODO: ...
Return the horizontal background scroll value.
static uint8_t get_bg_hscroll(const VDP *vdp)
return vdp->regs[0x08];

Return the vertical background scroll value.
static uint8_t get_bg_vscroll(const VDP *vdp)
return vdp->regs[0x09];

Return the packed background tile at the given row and column.
static uint16_t get_background_tile(const VDP *vdp, uint8_t row, uint8_t col)
uint8_t *pnt = vdp->vram + get_pnt_base(vdp);
uint16_t index = row * 32 + col;
return pnt[2 * index] + (pnt[2 * index + 1] << 8);

Get the CRAM color index of the given (row, col) in the given pattern.
static uint8_t read_pattern(const VDP *vdp, uint16_t pattern,
uint8_t row, uint8_t col)
uint8_t *planes = &vdp->vram[32 * pattern + 4 * row];
return ((planes[0] >> (7 - col)) & 1) +
(((planes[1] >> (7 - col)) & 1) << 1) +
(((planes[2] >> (7 - col)) & 1) << 2) +
(((planes[3] >> (7 - col)) & 1) << 3);

Return the BGR444 color at the given CRAM index.

The index should be between 0 and 15, as there are 16 colors per palette.
static uint16_t get_color(const VDP *vdp, uint8_t index, bool palette)
uint8_t offset = 2 * (index + 16 * palette);
return vdp->cram[offset] + (vdp->cram[offset + 1] << 8);

Draw a pixel onto our pixel array at the given coordinates.

The color should be in BGR444 format, as returned by get_color().
static void draw_pixel(VDP *vdp, uint8_t y, uint8_t x, uint16_t color)
@@ -115,9 +167,7 @@ static void draw_pixel(VDP *vdp, uint8_t y, uint8_t x, uint16_t color)
uint8_t b = 0x11 * ((color & 0x0F00) >> 8);

uint32_t argb = (0xFF << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b;

vdp->pixels[y * (160 + 96) + x] = argb;
vdp->pixels[y * 160 + x] = argb;

@@ -125,36 +175,34 @@ static void draw_pixel(VDP *vdp, uint8_t y, uint8_t x, uint16_t color)
static void draw_background(VDP *vdp)
uint8_t *pnt = vdp->vram + get_pnt_base(vdp);

uint8_t row = (vdp->v_counter + vdp->regs[0x09]) % (28 * 8);
uint8_t col;

for (col = 6; col < 32 - 6; col++) {
uint16_t index = (row >> 3) * 32 + col;
uint16_t tile = pnt[2 * index] + (pnt[2 * index + 1] << 8);
uint16_t pattern = tile & 0x01FF;
bool palette = tile & 0x0800;
bool priority = tile & 0x1000;
bool vflip = tile & 0x0400;
bool hflip = tile & 0x0200;

uint8_t offy = vflip ? (7 - row % 8) : (row % 8);
uint8_t *pixels = &vdp->vram[pattern * 32 + 4 * offy];
uint8_t bp0 = pixels[0], bp1 = pixels[1],
bp2 = pixels[2], bp3 = pixels[3];

uint8_t idx, i, offx;
uint8_t src_row = (vdp->v_counter + get_bg_vscroll(vdp)) % (28 << 3);
uint8_t dst_row = vdp->v_counter - 0x18;
uint8_t vcell = src_row >> 3;
uint8_t hcell, col;

uint8_t start_col = get_bg_hscroll(vdp) >> 3;
uint8_t fine_scroll = get_bg_hscroll(vdp) % 8;

for (col = 6; col < 20 + 6; col++) {
hcell = (32 - start_col + col) % 32;
uint16_t tile = get_background_tile(vdp, vcell, hcell);
uint16_t pattern = tile & 0x01FF;
bool palette = tile & 0x0800;
bool priority = tile & 0x1000;
bool vflip = tile & 0x0400;
bool hflip = tile & 0x0200;

uint8_t vshift = vflip ? (7 - src_row % 8) : (src_row % 8), hshift;
uint8_t pixel, dst_col, index;
uint16_t color;

for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
idx = ((bp0 >> i) & 1) +
(((bp1 >> i) & 1) << 1) +
(((bp2 >> i) & 1) << 2) +
(((bp3 >> i) & 1) << 3);
color = vdp->cram[2 * idx] + (vdp->cram[2 * idx + 1] << 8);
offx = hflip ? (col * 8 + (7 - i)) : (col * 8 + i);
draw_pixel(vdp, vdp->v_counter, offx, color);
for (pixel = 0; pixel < 8; pixel++) {
dst_col = ((col - 6) << 3) + pixel + fine_scroll;
hshift = hflip ? (7 - pixel) : pixel;

index = read_pattern(vdp, pattern, vshift, hshift);
color = get_color(vdp, index, palette);
draw_pixel(vdp, dst_row, dst_col, color);
@@ -348,17 +396,17 @@ void vdp_dump_registers(const VDP *vdp)
DEBUG("- $04: 0x%02X (BPG)", regs[0x04])
DEBUG("- $05: 0x%02X (SAT: 0x%04X)", regs[0x05], get_sat_base(vdp))
DEBUG("- $06: 0x%02X (SGT: 0x%04X)", regs[0x06], get_sgt_base(vdp))
DEBUG("- $07: 0x%02X (BDC: 0x%02X)", regs[0x07], get_backdrop_addr(vdp))
DEBUG("- $07: 0x%02X (BDC: 0x%02X)", regs[0x07], get_backdrop_color(vdp))
DEBUG("- $08: 0x%02X (HS)", regs[0x08])
DEBUG("- $09: 0x%02X (VS)", regs[0x09])
DEBUG("- $0A: 0x%02X (LC)", regs[0x0A])

// TODO: remove me!
DEBUG("Dumping CRAM:")
for (uint8_t i = 0x00; i < 0x40; i += 0x10) {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 32; i += 8) {
uint16_t w[8];
for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 8; j++)
w[j] = vdp->cram[i + j * 2] + (vdp->cram[i + j * 2 + 1] << 8);
w[j] = get_color(vdp, (i + j) % 16, i & 16);

DEBUG("- %04X %04X %04X %04X %04X %04X %04X %04X",
w[0], w[1], w[2], w[3], w[4], w[5], w[6], w[7])
