9 Commits (a0c12d019d54fa4af8ce1293a47386d0c23c9a83)

Author SHA1 Message Date
  Ben Kurtovic a0c12d019d Add support for saved game files for cart RAM (fixes #3) 6 years ago
  Ben Kurtovic d5f9c6950c Add support for on-cartridge RAM (#3) 6 years ago
  Ben Kurtovic 8de5117a49 mmu_write_double, stack_push; LD (HL), n; JR; CALL 8 years ago
  Ben Kurtovic cf1985bee9 Implement more load instructions. 8 years ago
  Ben Kurtovic 235e4c7cff Begin work on disassembler; extend tracing. 8 years ago
  Ben Kurtovic 13b7b29157 Replace OOM checks with light wrappers around allocation functions. 9 years ago
  Ben Kurtovic 5cc208f07e Implement most MMU functions. 9 years ago
  Ben Kurtovic 274b2eaa93 Stub out MMU functions, opcodes; const fixes. 9 years ago
  Ben Kurtovic 4127f2eb5d Add registers to Z80, plus some skeleton code. 9 years ago
  Ben Kurtovic 96e2a3f1d5 Stub out some GG methods; minor cleanup. 9 years ago
  Ben Kurtovic 103dfaf841 Stub out assembler/disassembler code. 9 years ago
  Ben Kurtovic 7bbf32f52c Refactor config parsing greatly; support new arguments. 9 years ago
  Ben Kurtovic 1601d86349 Guard against reading directories as ROM files. 9 years ago
  Ben Kurtovic f20535c464 Update copyright for 2015; makefile updates. 9 years ago
  Ben Kurtovic d2f6e1e1a7 Small tweaks; const fixes. 9 years ago
  Ben Kurtovic 1e04a029b7 Standardize error message logging; updates. 9 years ago
  Ben Kurtovic 881226da70 Implement most forward-facing CLI stuff. 9 years ago
  Ben Kurtovic 4ac596fd88 Add to README, finish makefile; project structure. 9 years ago