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Remove old threading code

Ben Kurtovic 11 years ago
1 changed files with 3 additions and 57 deletions
  1. +3

+ 3
- 57
src/rules/ View File

@@ -7,20 +7,14 @@ public class Conway extends RuleSet {
public static int states = 2;

public static Grid run (Grid g) {
//Thread[] threads = new Thread[g.getWidth()];
Grid newGrid = new Grid(g.getWidth(), g.getHeight());
for (int i = 0; i < g.getWidth(); i++) {
//Conway.rowThread rt = new Conway.rowThread(g, newGrid, i);
//Thread t = new Thread(rt);
//threads[i] = t;
for (int j = 0; j < g.getHeight(); j++) {
Patch[] neighbors = g.getPatch(i, j).get8Neighbors();
int numAlive = 0;
for (Patch neighbor : neighbors)
if (neighbor.getState() == 1) numAlive++;
Patch p = g.getPatch(i,j).clone(newGrid);
Patch p = g.getPatch(i, j).clone(newGrid);
if (numAlive < 2) {
p.setState(0); //Dies by underpopulation
@@ -28,58 +22,10 @@ public class Conway extends RuleSet {
p.setState(0); //Dies by overpopulation
if (numAlive == 3)
p.setState(1); //Born with 3 neighbors.
p.setState(1); //Born with 3 neighbors
newGrid.setPatch(i, j, p);

//boolean running = true;
//while (running) {
//running = false;
//for (Thread t : threads) {
//if (t.isAlive()) running = true;
return newGrid;

//public static class rowThread implements Runnable {
//private Grid _original, _newGrid;
//private int _rowNum;
//private Thread _thread;

//public rowThread (Grid orig, Grid newGrid, int rowNum) {
//_original = orig;
//_newGrid = newGrid;
//_rowNum = rowNum;
//public void setThread (Thread t) {
//_thread = t;

//public void run () {
//for (int j = 0; j < _original.getHeight(); j++) {
//Patch[] neighbors = _original.getPatch(_rowNum, j).get8Neighbors();
//int numAlive = 0;
//for (Patch p : neighbors)
//if (p.getState() == 1) numAlive++;
//Patch p = _original.getPatch(_rowNum,j).clone(_newGrid);
//if (numAlive < 2) {
//p.setState(0); //Dies by underpopulation
//if (numAlive > 3) {
//p.setState(0); //Dies by overpopulation
//if (numAlive == 3)
//p.setState(1); //Born with 3 neighbors.
//try {
//} catch (Exception e) {
